The production staff of ELQ is comprised of a diverse group of Berkeley Law students with one common objective – to publish the nation’s premier environmental law journal.
2024-25 Editorial Board
The editorial board serves as ELQ’s senior leadership, is responsible for selecting and editing articles (with the able assistance of our general members), managing the mechanics of publishing the journal, and organizing fundraising and social events. The board is elected each Spring by an all-member vote.
Liam Gunn
Ellie Rubinstein
Quinn Ferrar
Managing Editor
Sarah O’Farrell
Senior Articles Editor
Logan Graham
Senior Articles Editor
Abby Neal
Articles Editor
Annie Evans
Articles Editor
Meg O’Neill
Articles Editor
Becca Pascowitz
Articles Editor
Kevyn Hadley
Articles Editor
Marika Levidow
Articles Editor
Payson Mayerle
Articles Editor
Heather DeMocker
Senior Executive Editor
Mitchell Garmany
Senior Executive Editor
Ben Shipman
Executive Editor
Lucy Daugherty
Executive Editor
Fiona Danieu
Executive Editor
Anna Lu
Executive Editor
Matthew Kenney
Executive Editor
Andrew Olivei
Executive Editor
Will Palmer
Executive Editor
Fiona Grant
Executive Editor
Dana Dabbousi
Senior Publishing Editor
Diego Morales
Publishing Editor
Natalie Belknap
Publishing Editor
Eleanor Bock
Publishing Editor
Julia Saxby
Publishing Editor
John Murray
Books and Research Editor
Chloe Winnett
Development and Symposium Director
Malia Libby
Media Director
Sophie Allan
Assistant Media Director
Daija Chambers
Senior Currents Editor
Jordan Perry
Currents Assistant Editor
Felicia Paradiso
Currents Assistant Editor
Joyce Chen
Currents Publishing Editor
Shree Mehrotra
Environmental Justice Editor
Parmis Ghafelenbashi
Environmental Justice Organizer
Angelina Paul
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Director
Ashlie Andrade
Programs Director
Sarah Campbell Tucker
Assistant Programs Director
General Members
General members are the backbone of ELQ, and it is through their tireless efforts that ELQ is able to function as a lean, green, publishing machine. Members are involved in all stages of the publishing process, from initial article reading, source collection and cite checking, to final editing and proofreading. In addition, members are active participants in ELQ’s program work, fundraising efforts and event organization. All Berkeley Law students are welcome to join one of the largest and most active student organizations on campus.
Senior Members
Senior Members have a more active role in the journal, performing at least 20 office hours per semester or having their work published in ELQ.
Associate Editors
Associate Editors perform substantive editing for the journal, often working alongside the articles editors. They are an important part of ELQ, and are often called upon for freelance help when projects require more time than can be asked of a general member.