What's New
December 1st 2009
Jessica Intrator, Lala Wu, Holly Wagenet, Sarah Barker-Ball, Camille Pannu, & Emily Jeffers* [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] Weed in the Wild: Environmental Consequences of Marijuana Cultivation on Public LandsSpeaker: Chief Ranger Steve Shackelton, Yosemite National Park Yosemite Chief Ranger Steve Shackelton has a lot ...
September 8th 2009
Justice Greg Hobbs, Colorado Supreme Court** [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] Circumference We gather here to learn and celebrate, to greet dear friends and meet new ones, to recognize those among us who have gained our admiration for the circumference of their views and the bounty of ...
August 12th 2009
Raymond Marshall* [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] Introduction Imagine for a moment that you live in an apartment building, rent commercial space in a shopping center, lease office space in a building, own a house in a densely wooded area, or manage a government agency in a ...
August 12th 2009
Fraser M. Shilling* [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] California is not unique among states by virtue of having both a sizable urban fishing population and environmental pollution leading to fish contamination. Nor is it alone when it comes to having both highly diverse communities actively engaged in ...
July 24th 2009
Jenny K. Harbine* [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] Introduction Once abundant throughout the contiguous United States, gray wolves in the American West were brought to the brink of extinction by the 1930s through one of the most effective eradication campaigns in modern history. As a result, in ...
June 25th 2009
Mark Vallianatos* [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ][ download Errata ] Food justice is the notion that everyone deserves healthy food and that the benefits and risks associated with food should be shared fairly. The concept borrows its distributional equity framework from the environmental justice movement, its focus ...
April 24th 2009
Matt Vespa * [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ][ download Errata ] Introduction After years of inaction, the possibility of substantive federal and international climate policy is finally in sight. With so much time already squandered, insufficient action today will foreclose the ability to prevent catastrophe tomorrow. If ...
April 22nd 2009
Patrick McCully and Lori Pottinger ** [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] Want of clean water, decent sanitation, and adequate food and energy strips people of their dignity and their most basic rights. Inequitable access to water, especially for growing crops, is a major factor in global poverty ...
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