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A California Environmental Court to Adjudicate Climate Change

Climate change creates mitigation and adaptation needs across the country, especially in California, which faces flooding, erosion, fire, and extreme weather. To armor against the rising tide of climate change and its accompanying flood of litigation, California should create a specialized environmental court to adjudicate state climate issues. (read more)

Closing the Ocean Fracking Gap: EPA Leadership Is Needed to Regulate Aging Rigs and Evolving Risks Offshore

This Note explores how fracking has slipped through the cracks in a closely regulated industry. Examining the root of the problem, this Note outlines how we might design an administrative apparatus to address emerging environmental harms in the context of aging oil and gas infrastructure. (read more)

Protecting Species and Timber Communities from Extinction: A Case Study on Spotted Owls, Logging, and Cooperative Management in Western Lane County, Oregon

This Note uses western Lane County as a case study to diagnose sticking points in conservation under the ESA and prescribe characteristics of management strategies more likely to sustain both resource extraction-dependent communities and populations of listed specie (read more)

What's New

An Argument For Placing Logging Roads Under the NPDES Program

ELQ Journal

March 10th 2009

Kevin Boston & Matt Thompson * [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] Introduction Recent judicial decisions addressing the impact of forest management on water quality suggest that EPA’s clarification of regulations under the Clean Water Act (CWA) may become increasingly important. Courts currently must decide whether water pollution ...

Restoring Public Trust in the Public Lands: An Agenda for the New Administration

ELQ Journal

January 27th 2009

Eric Biber, Holly Doremus, Dan Farber, Rick Frank, and Joseph Sax * [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] Federally-owned and managed public lands occupy approximately thirty percent of the land area of the United States, and anywhere from forty-five percent to over eighty percent of the land area ...

A Challenge for the Obama Team: Put Science and Federal Scientists to Better Use

ELQ Journal

January 22nd 2009

Holly Doremus * [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] Introduction It’s no secret that the outgoing George W. Bush administration has been hostile to environmental interests. By all accounts the Obama administration will be different on that score (as on many others). Before it can concentrate on its ...

Stopping the Conversation: Amended ESA Section 7 Regulations Put Species At Risk

ELQ Journal

January 22nd 2009

Eric Biber and Cynthia Drew * [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is the primary legal tool in the United States for the protection of biodiversity. Since its enactment in 1973, it has played a central role in efforts to halt the decline ...

The First One Hundred Days: Ten Things President-Elect Obama Should Do to Confront the Climate Crisis

ELQ Journal

December 21st 2008

Patrick Parenteau * [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] In a recent speech, former Vice President and Nobel laureate Al Gore challenged the nation to produce 100 percent of its electricity from non-carbon sources within ten years.[1] Linking the issues of climate, energy, economy and national security, Mr. ...

Trains Deliver the Goods

ELQ Journal

December 8th 2008

Lawrence B. Landman * [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] Trucks Pollute, Trains Don’t Trains carry goods 94 percent more efficiently than do trucks. California should therefore encourage firms to ship goods on trains, not trucks. Yet the California Air Resources Board (CARB), in its draft Scoping Plan, ignores ...

Land Use and Climate Change: Is it Time for a National Land Use Policy?

ELQ Journal

November 24th 2008

Catherine J. LaCroix * [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] The immediate and short answer to the question in the title is no. It will never be time for an articulated federal land use policy; the tradition of local control of land use is simply too strong. But ...

China’s Environment After the Olympics

ELQ Journal

October 30th 2008

Lo Sze Ping * [ jump to end/comments ][ download PDF ] I. Introduction China’s economy is the fastest growing in the world. Official Chinese government figures, from the National Bureau of Statistics, indicate that China’s economy grew 11.9 percent in 2007, the fastest rate of growth in more than ...

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